This list of course makes no claim to being comprehensive; it is just a quick set of a few selected links that may be of wide interest. ADPCL Members are welcome to suggest additional links (see the contact information on our home page).
- Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée (Alberta)
- CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
- Comparative Critical Studies (British Comparative Literature Association)
- Comparative Critical Studies (Edinburgh University Press)
- Comparative Literature (Oregon)
- Comparative Literature Studies (Penn State)
- The Comparatist (George Mason University)
- Recherche Littéraire / Literary Research (ICLA)
- symploke (Houston, Victoria)
- Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature (Indiana)
- The American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)
- American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)
- American Translators Association (ATA)
- International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA)
- Institute for World Literature (IWL)
- Modern Language Association (MLA)