Welcome to the ACLA journals listing page! The following list of links is not meant to be comprehensive, but to represent a broad selection of literary journals online. The list will be updated fairly regularly. If you would like to list a journal on this page, please email the ACLA with the relevant information.
- The ACLA sponsors two scholarly journals:
- Comparative Literature
- Comparative Literature Studies
- Links to listings of journals and electronic journals:
- Links to individual journals online:
- A Contracorriente: A Journal of Social History and Literature in Latin America
- Angles: French Perspectives on the Anglophone World
- Asymptote
- Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
- Chiasma: A Site for Thought
- CIU Folklore/Literature Journal (Cyprus International University)
- CLCWeb : Comparative Literature and Culture
- The Comparatist
- Comparative Critical Studies
- Comparative Literature
- Comparative Literature Studies
- Culture, Theory and Critique
- Daphnis: Journal of German Literature and Culture of the Early Modern Period (1400-1750)
- Diacritics
- Echinox
- Electronic Book Review
- Evental Aesthetics
- Exchanges
- Faultline
- Framework
- Gadda Studies
- Genre
- Globalization
- Inquire: Journal of Comparative Literature
- Journal of Arabic Literature
- Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics
- Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures
- Journal of Literary Multilingualism
- Journal of World Literature
- KARE, International Journal of Comparative Literature
- Konturen
- Kulturpoetik
- Litinfo
- Matatu: Journal for African Culture and Society
- Neohelicon
- New Global Studies
- Penumbra: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Critical and Creative Inquiry
- Portals
- Postgraduate English (UK graduate e-journal)
- Postmodern Culture
- Review of Comparative Literature (Bryn Mawr)
- Saltana
- Studies in World Cinema
- SubStance
- Symploké
- Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures
- theory@buffalo
- University of Toronto Quarterly
- Warring States Papers
- World Literature Today
- Yearbook of Comparative Literature