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After Race, Six: New Alignments in Comparative Racialization, Multiracialism, and Post-Racialism

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Organizer: Lynn Itagaki

Co-Organizer: Rafael Pérez-Torres

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Comparative racialization rests upon the mutually constitutive concept of race in which groups are racialized in relation to one another, managing and prioritizing racial claims on the state. Through our past seminars we have accumulated a number of excellent case studies. The present seminar focuses specifically on discussions that evaluate and schematize the field of comparative race studies: the tools, methods, and concepts used to compare and contrast the experiences of different racial groups.

After this seminar, we are planning an anthology with a potential Fall 2025 workshop to prepare book chapter manuscripts on comparative racialization. With this in mind, we especially seek seminar contributions by scholars who may be willing to commit to a multi-stage anthology project. We seek as well papers that prioritize (interdisciplinary) methodologies and theories over detailed case studies and welcome presentations that consider Indigenous feminisms, intersections of comparative racialization and queer theory, and intersectionality in Black feminist thought and women of color feminism through Crenshaw, Hill Collins, Davis, and hooks, among others. Anzaldúa’s mestiza consciousness; Hong and Ferguson’s “strange affinities”; Puar’s assemblage via Deleuze and Guattari; and Pérez-Torres’s critical mestizaje are some conceptual foundations that have inspired this seminar series.

Potential areas of scholarship for consideration include settler-native-slave triad; anti-racist, interracial coalition-building and alliances; failures of multiculturalism, reevaluations of Whiteness studies; mixed-race studies; transracial adoption; interracial intimacies; Afro-Orientalism; creolité; métissage; Latinidad and Afro-Latinidad; Hemispheric American studies; oceans as methods; diasporic cultures, identities, and communities; apologies and reparations. The above list are far from exhaustive, and we look forward to your contributions.

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