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Paper Submission FAQs

  1. Can I submit more than one paper?
  2. Can I present in more than one seminar?
  3. I am a seminar organizer and want to present a paper in my own seminar.  Do I still need to submit a paper abstract to the ACLA?
  4. I’ve been invited by a seminar organizer to participate in a seminar. How do I get my paper entered into the system?
  5. I am a seminar organizer and have received an abstract for my seminar which was emailed directly to me.  Can this paper still be considered by the ACLA?
  6. I’ve submitted my abstract to the seminar.  Does this mean I can begin preparation to attend the ACLA Annual Meeting?
  7. A colleague and I wished to co-author a presentation for the ACLA.  Can we submit a joint abstract?
  8. What is the maximum length of an abstract submission?
We hope this information helps! If you have questions or concerned not addressed in this FAQ, please feel free to write the ACLA at


  1. Can I submit more than one paper? 
      No. Each individual may submit only ONE PAPER for consideration for the ACLA’s Annual Meeting.  We recommend discussing your proposal with the seminar organizer in advance of formal submission, which will give you the best chance for successful inclusion.


  1. Can I present in more than one seminar? 
      No. Given the multi-day format of ACLA seminars, it would be impossible to accommodate multiple presentations, which is why we allow only ONE paper submission to ONE seminar.


  1. I am a seminar organizer and want to present a paper in my own seminar.  Do I still need to submit a paper abstract to the ACLA?
      Yes, you need to propose a paper for your own seminar.  If your paper isn't included in the submission, the Program Committee won't be able to judge the proposal fairly, and the information about your paper would not appear in the printed program.  No paper abstracts will be considered by the ACLA after the deadline.  Be certain that your own paper abstract has been submitted via the ACLA’s paper portal before that date, or you will not be able to present in your own seminar.
  1. I’ve been invited by a seminar organizer to participate in a seminar. How do I get my paper entered into the system?
You will need to create a unique User ID/login for the ACLA website by clicking the “login/register” link at the top portion of the main page (just under the “become a member” link).  Once you have created an account for yourself on the ACLA website, then you should be able to login and submit your seminar proposal. 
      PLEASE NOTE: Any individual who wishes to present a paper in a seminar must submit an abstract by way of the ACLA’s website.  The ACLA needs to have record of every submission which may possibly be part of the seminar presentations each seminar.  Your abstract MUST be received by the ACLA before the deadline.  No abstracts will be considered by the ACLA after the deadline.  If you have submitted an abstract directly to a seminar organizer by email, be certain that you have ALSO submitted the abstract via the ACLA website before the aforementioned deadline, or it will NOT be considered.


  1. I am a seminar organizer and have received an abstract for my seminar which was emailed directly to me.  Can this paper still be considered?

      No.  All papers MUST be submitted via the ACLA website.  If you have received an abstract directly, please contact the individual and make certain that they understand the abstract needs to be received by the ACLA via the ACLA website. Please allow prospective presenters to upload their own abstracts to the system so we can better match papers to email addresses and usernames.

      6. I’ve submitted my abstract to the seminar.  Does this mean I will be presenting at the ACLA Annual Meeting?

     Not necessarily. There are a few more steps first, and success is not guaranteed at any of these stages. Submitting a paper here does NOT guarantee acceptance of your paper to the ACLA 2025 Annual Meeting. The organizer of the seminar to which you are submitting your paper will review and provisionally accept or decline your submission. The ACLA Program Committee will then review all seminar proposals and notify seminar organizers of acceptance or rejection.

      7. A colleague and I wished to co-author a presentation for the ACLA.  Can we submit a joint abstract?

      Yes.  The ACLA does allow for co-authored (and presented) works.  The submissions form has space for you to include the co-author’s name and contact information.

      8. What is the maximum length of an abstract submission?

      The ACLA’s submission portal allows for an abstract to contain as many as 1500 characters (spaces included).