Minutes for Board Meeting - December 2002
Minutes for the ACLA Board Meeting
28-29 December 2002
Sheraton New York Hotel
28 December 2002
Presiding: Dr. David Damrosch
Attending: Saussy, Moebius, Komar, Siebers, Sussman, Eckhardt, Hayton, Miyashiro, Richmond-Garza, Ungar
Regrets: Higonnet
Richmond-Garza (Secretary-Treasurer):
- Report on Finances, Web, Online credit card arrangements, and general redesign of webpage and letterhead
Eckhardt (ADPCL):
- Report on the compilation of a list of CL programs and departments, and progress towards becoming an affiliated association to the MLA
- Reaffirmation of increasing institutional memberships with funds to go to the ADPCL
- Reconfirmation that $3,000 for 2002/03 will be transferred from the ACLA to the ADPCL
Hayton (ACLA 2003 at San Marcos):
- 678 presenters, 71 panels, 2/3 are 3-day seminars and several have multiple sessions
- Comments on impact of CA weak economy on profits and costs
- Confirmation of conference arrangements:
- Guarantees from United as conference carriers
- 2 slots for ADPCL
- 2 hours for board meeting
- Daily Schedule
- 2 A.M. sessions
- 1 P.M. session
- Evening events
Siebers (ACLA 2004 at Michigan):
- Conference to run from 15018 April 2004
- $12,000 subvention secured from U Michigan; hotel reservations made
- Discussion of the need for post-9/11 contingency plans and a stable conference database
Discussion of Future sites:
- 2005: Paris
- 2006: perhaps Princeton
- 2007: perhaps Mexico City
Lifetime Achievement Award to be awarded to Henry Remak at the 2003 conference
State of the Discipline Report
- The follow-up to the Bernheimer report
- Saussy (chair) to form a 10 member committee with its first meeting in San Marcos and a draft report for the MLA 2003. Committee to include:
- Apter, Ungar, Prins, Gardier, Greene, Rice, Hales, Chow, Hirsch, Finney, Boym, Viswanathan, Pollock, Hassan, Irlam, and CL journal editors
- Saussy (chair) to form a 10 member committee with its first meeting in San Marcos and a draft report for the MLA 2003. Committee to include:
- Proposal to introduce project at one of the ACLA sessions at 2003 MLA
MLA 2003 Session Topics:
- Introduce Saussy, Report
- Teaching World Literature Session
Future Projects:
- An ACLA-sponsored source book on CL with Natalie Milas at Cornell
- Proposal to discuss new projects at the 4/4/03 board meeting
Proposal to investigate the closing of the Comparative Literature program at Alberta
Meeting Day 2 - 29 December 2002
(Held Jointly with MLA Comparative Division Chairs)
Presiding: Dr. David Damrosch
Attending: Saussy, Moebius, Komar, Sussman, Eckhardt, Miyashiro, Richmond-Garza, Ungar (ACLA); Ferris, Kadir, Lezra (MLA)
Regrets: Higonnet
Topics and General Notes on the Discussion:
- Follow-up on 1950s founding of the CL programs and departments
- There is a need to talk with the MLA about increasing the visibility of CL, even of just tracking where and what the CL programs are nationally
- Period/language alone are used to define divisions and sessions at MLA, except for European Literary Relations and the Comparative Divisions, but much interdisciplinary work being done at MLA and CL topics around MLA sessions
- The result is the invisibility of CL, despite its being everywhere and despite intercultural translation being seen as productive areas of contact
- There is a need to identify CL-relevant MLA sessions so that CL can redefine itself vis-a-vis MLA, since a formal division has 3 sessions whereas an organization has only 2
- Discussion of MLA divisions as being intellectual and/or hiring structures
- Discussion of how to work within the status quo through
- optimizing visibility of the official ACLA sessions
- identifying areas already in MLA which can be included as part of a comparative rubric
- retitling existing entities (comparative studies and religion, for example) and creating new ones (vernacularity, comparative poetics, etc.)
- Discussion of whether changes in nomenclature are substantive changes
Suggestions for Collaboration:
- Charge committee of heads of executive committees and of departments/programs to inventory MLA sessions and titles in order to present joint conclusions to the MLA Executive Committee
- Use of division sessions to reach out to areas not usually included
- Co-sponsorship/linking of sessions between ACLA and MLA
- Formation of a subcommittee to identify under- or un-represented topics
Topics for San Marcos:
- Investigate sponsorship of CL forum to launch the 10-year report by Saussy at MLA with linked sessions (Saussy, Damrosch). Forum would be about CL as a discipline and other things could be discussed; possible respondents from Bernheimer report committee: Pratt, Riffaterre, Appiah
- Inquire about use of 5 preferences on MLA membership form to track MLA interests in comparative topics
- Report to ACLA Executive Committee about CL division and special sessions from the MLA program for past 10 years (graduate student, 1 week at $15/hour, Columbia University)